Tag Archives: seminary

From Sheep-Stealing to Kingdom-Building

Evangelism in the Ecumenical Context At its root, the word ‘evangelism’, simply means spreading good news. For Christians, this usually means spreading the good news about Jesus Christ. In recent years, Google and other businesses have co-opted the word; for … Continue reading

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Snapshots of the ‘New Ecumenism’: Chaplaincy

A Presbyterian, a Lutheran, and two Episcopalians walk into a hospital. Not the start of a joke, I promise. Instead, it was the start of my summer working at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, OH, as a student intern in … Continue reading

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From Bible Drill to Interdenominational Seminary

A Personal Faith Journey My favorite book as a child was called “I Like Sunday School.” It followed a little white girl who looked forward to learning about Jesus each week at church, just like me. I spent much of … Continue reading

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Just Hospitality and the Missional Church

My time doing street ministry with folks experiencing homelessness has not changed the world. It hasn’t changed the oppressive social structures that keep people from adequate healthcare or nutrition. It hasn’t even done much to change the situations of the people with whom … Continue reading

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