Tag Archives: sexuality

Author Brooklynn Smith

There is Such a Thing as Being Too Gentle

Watering down the LGBTQ/Q Apology Overture at GA222 I never thought “collateral damage” was a term I’d identify with as a church-lady. I was wrong. I was baptized as a young girl in a Presbyterian church that would become my … Continue reading

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Apologies Are Healthy, and This One Is Deserved

A Response to Dr. Barbara Wheeler Barbara Wheeler, former President of Auburn Theological Seminary has written an article in response to Overture 11-05 coming before the General Assembly this summer in Portland, an overture apologizing to LGBTQ/Q members of the … Continue reading

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Behind Closed Doors?: #50shadesofabuse

 With the film Fifty Shades of Grey hitting theaters, it’s time to speak up: Sexual violence is not entertainment. Originally published as an article in the Presbyterian News Service. I’ve had it. This time we cannot roll our eyes, snicker under … Continue reading

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Silencing: Testimonials of the Exiled Christians

I’ve always loved telling my story. In college, my campus Christian group would pass out spiritual gifting inventories, and we’d take a test to help determine whether we had the gifts of prophesy, faith, teaching, healing, evangelism, service, etc. I … Continue reading

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