Tag Archives: social creed

Is Healthcare a Human Right?

And If So, What Difference Does It Make? Healthcare is a very good thing for governments to provide, whether or not it is a human right, because it is certainly a basic human good and is necessary for human flourishing. … Continue reading

Posted in Carousel, Current Issue, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound, Journal | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments
Eugene Carson Blake with Martin Luther King Jr.

Eugene Carson Blake’s Social Creed: Leadership and Content

By Christian T. Iosso   The Rev. Dr. Chris Iosso remembers justice and ecumenism advocate Eugene Carson Blake, former President of the NCC, General Secretary to the World Council of Churches, Stated Clerk of the Presbyterian Church, co-author of the … Continue reading

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photo of a homeless man sleeping on a bible

The Case for Social Righteousness

By Cynthia Rigby   The following is an excerpt from the book by Cynthia Rigby, Promotion of Social Righteousness [Louisville: Witherspoon Press, 2010], 1-11, available from www.TheThoughtfulChristian.com. The article is republished here with permission from the author and Witherspoon Press. … Continue reading

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photo of protestors

Invite Them In

A RESPONSE TO THE OCCUPY MOVEMENT November 1, 2011, by Editor Chris Iosso, who invites Christians into dialogue about the role the church should play in the Occupy Movement.   A golden calf—that looks like the Wall Street bull statue—is … Continue reading

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