Tag Archives: social justice

Author Rev. Renee Roederer

The Gospel is Intersectional: Considering the Foothills Presbytery Overtures

During his tenure as the Moderator of the 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Heath Rada has listened deeply and broadly to people across this denomination. Moderators of the PC(USA) often have this unique and sacred privilege of really listening as … Continue reading

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More Baby Than Bath Water

Ruminations on Institutional Ecumenism Picture this: Gathered in the headquarters of a labor union are about 40 persons who want to make it easier for ex-felons to regain the vote as part of re-entering society. The participants’ average age is … Continue reading

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Just Church (is not just church)

Playing Church Sometimes it feels like we’re just playing church the same way you play house as a kid. You put on a costume, set things up just right, and then go through the motions of what all-too-often feels like … Continue reading

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The Intersection of Faith and Justice

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your might and love your neighbor as yourself.” This is Jesus’ answer to the lawyer who asks, “How shall I inherit eternal life?” Jesus responds with … Continue reading

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