Tag Archives: social witness

Author Rev. Renee Roederer

The Gospel is Intersectional: Considering the Foothills Presbytery Overtures

During his tenure as the Moderator of the 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Heath Rada has listened deeply and broadly to people across this denomination. Moderators of the PC(USA) often have this unique and sacred privilege of really listening as … Continue reading

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Statement on the Online Christian Justice Journal ‘Unbound’ by the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy

Dear Friends of Social Witness in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.): On April 29, the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board announced the program cuts required for its 2017-18 budget: http://www.pcusa.org/news/2016/4/29/presbyterian-mission-agency-board-enacts-work-rest/. These cuts included funding after 2016 for the managing editor of Unbound, … Continue reading

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General Assembly Policy Relevant to the Government Shutdown

General Assembly Policy Relevant to the Government Shutdown

The following is a supplement to an editorial by Chris Iosso regarding the October 2013 government shutdown. It is meant to be a thorough and representative (but by no means comprehensive!) compilation of PC(USA) social witness policy relevant to the … Continue reading

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Progressive Christianity – What’s the Point?

I had just woken up. It was July; the summer heat was already beginning to invade the house even though the sun was scarcely up. I remember thinking to myself that I should have made an iced coffee instead of … Continue reading

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