Tag Archives: solidarity

Author Rev. Sung Yeon Choi Morrow

Don’t Display Your Solidarity, Express it!

Article originally published in the Presbyterian Outlook on November 15, 2016: https://pres-outlook.org/2016/11/dont-display-solidarity-express/ This is not a piece about Standing Rock and the water protectors. This is a reflection to expand the narrative of what happened during the clergy action visit … Continue reading

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The Message to the Margins: An Election Lamentation and Call to Action

This article was originally published on November 9, 2016 on Denise’s blog, ‘SOULa Scriptura” at The United States of America has elected Donald Trump its next president. It’s sinking in as I type that. We (the royal “we”) elected Donald … Continue reading

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A New Old Way: Reforming Church in Light of Solidarity

The Book of Acts paints a beautiful picture of the intensely radical vision and practice of the early church: a place where all were of one heart and spirit, and everyone shared what they had voluntarily. The rich sold their … Continue reading

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The Imitation of Christ in the Poor

Encountering the Tzeltal Christ I grew up as a son, grandson, and great grandson of missionaries. My grand parents and great grandparents were Presbyterians serving in India, and my parents served all over the world with Mercy Ships and YWAM … Continue reading

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