Tag Archives: solidarity

Listening is the First Step

I sat on the front porch of an hermano – a “brother” – from the small, Pentecostal-feeling Presbyterian church in a small town in the region of Uraba, Colombia. My sweaty legs stuck to the plastic chair, and I briefly … Continue reading

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The Gospel from Black Elk

Prayer of Black Elk Lean to hear my feeble voice. At the center of the sacred hoop You have said that I should make the tree to bloom. With tears running, O Great Spirit, my Grandfather, With running eyes I … Continue reading

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The Power of Presence

She, like many others, had asked me about her case. Her rights as a parent were in danger of being terminated, and she wanted to get into a housing program before her approaching hearing. I explained to her that I … Continue reading

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Gospel Solidarity: A Struggle of Love and Privilege

I hesitated when asked to participate with Unbound on this series, especially when our conversations and discernment led to sharing about “solidarity” from our faith contexts and life experiences. After a few minutes of excitedly batting around ideas with the … Continue reading

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