Tag Archives: stewardship

rob mark

Glimpses of Creative Resistance: Eco-Stewards

Eco-Stewards: a Christian community of young adults responding to God’s call through applied eco-stewardship. By Rob Mark   View and Print as PDF.   Sometimes, upon waking, the weight of a wounded planet is palpable. We are beset by extreme … Continue reading

Posted in Action Alerts, Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound, Current Issue | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments
24/6 cover

Finding Your 24/6 Rhythm in a 24/7 World

“In Sabbath-keeping we become more ourselves, not less.” –Eugene Peterson, from his foreword to by Matthew Sleeth, MD By Matthew Sleeth   View and Print as PDF.   A decade ago, I was chief of staff of a hospital and … Continue reading

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carolyn gillette

O God, Creator of All Things

A New Earth Care Hymn from Carolyn Winfrey Gillette FOREST GREEN CMD (“All Beautiful the March of Days”)   O God, Creator of all things, the earth belongs to you! In love, you place it in our hands and give … Continue reading

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neddy astudillo

La Eco-Justicia: Un Modo de Cuidar La Creación

Una Mirada Eco-Teológica de la Mayordomía, la Eco-Justicia y la Eco-Espiritualidad This article is also available in English.   Por: Rvda. Neddy Astudillo   Un sentimiento inquieto sopla libre en estos días, mientras las palabras del Evangelio continúan proclamando: “Ve … Continue reading

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