Tag Archives: stewardship

tree planting


The following are ways you can put your environmental faith and care for God’s creation into action, both as individuals and as communities. Congregations and faith leaders, be sure to check out the ministry ideas. This eco-action list is one … Continue reading

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nina voli

The Gospel for the World: A Case for Creation Care

  Unbound was introduced to college student Nina Voli through the United Methodist Church’s Caretakers of Creation, after she spent her past semester at the Creation Care Study Program in Belize, Central America.   By Nina Voli   View and … Continue reading

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neddy astudillo

Eco-Justice is Creation Care

Shifting the Foundations of Eco-Theology to Include Stewardship, Justice, and Spirituality Este texto también está disponible en español.   By Rev. Neddy Astudillo   View and Print as PDF.   An uneasy feeling moves freely through the air these days, … Continue reading

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Joann Haejong Lee, Mod­er­a­tor for Com­mit­tee on Immi­gra­tion Issues at 2012 GA

“For Where Your Treasure Is, There Your Heart Will Be Also” (Matt 6:21)

Financial Anxieties Block Justice Overtures at General Assembly By Joann Haejong Lee, 2012 Teaching Elder Commissioner and Moderator for Committee on Immigration Issues   View and Print as PDF.   I grew up in a working class family of immigrants. … Continue reading

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