Tag Archives: Trayvon Martin

Late We Come? The Need for Unapologetic Affirmation that Black Lives Matter to the White Church

“We come to the march behind and with those amazingly able leaders of the Negro Americans who, to the shame of almost every white American, have alone and without us mirrored the suffering of the cross of Jesus Christ; they … Continue reading

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Why I Haven’t Felt at Home in a Presbyterian Church for Three Years

I did not grow up Presbyterian, and I can’t identify as a ‘cradle’ or ‘prenatal’ Presbyterian, or any of the ways that I have heard born-and-bred Presbyterians describe themselves in order to firmly establish their Presbyterian street cred. No, as my … Continue reading

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Faith and Racial Justice: Silence from the Sanctuary

“But let justice roll down like waters And righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.”– Amos 5:24 The true test of Christian faith is how it is lived out in the context of social realities. Each weekend, millions of believers gather in … Continue reading

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Trayvon’s Verdict on Us

          Summer 2013 Contents: – Introduction, Chris Iosso – Ready or Not, Larissa Kwong Abazia – A Pastoral Letter, Nancy Benson-Nicol – The Beloved Community, Claudio Carvalhaes – Outrage, Cynthia Joe – For a Longer, Stronger … Continue reading

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