Tag Archives: Trayvon Martin

The March on Washington

A NEW GENERATION BEFORE THE WALLS OF JERICHO By Jill Schaeffer It took a circuitous forty years for the Israelites to cross over the Jordan to confront and be confronted by the land of milk and honey God had promised … Continue reading

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The Persistent Evil of Racism and the People of God

Louis Knowles is Interim Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Newtown, a multi-cultural congregation in Elmhurst, NY. He has worked on hunger issues, investment in cooperatives in developing nations, and medical care in India, all through ecumenical Christian organizations. Here … Continue reading

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Ready or Not

Larissa Kwong Abazia serves as the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Forest Hills, NY, a multicultural, multiethnic congregation representing 25 countries.  She has written a chapter in the forthcoming book, Streams Run Uphill: The Pastoral Identity and Ministry … Continue reading

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The Beloved Community

Claudio Carvalhaes, theologian, liturgist, performer, writer and activist, teaches at Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. I believe that this is one of the most important racial events that happened in this country recently, and that we must deal with … Continue reading

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