Tag Archives: unbound

photo of hand fisted and holding pencil

Call for Applications: Young Adult Editorial Team

How would you like to help create a space for young adults to share their visions for the church, their faith experiences, and the creative and innovative ways young people are already doing church? Apply today to be a part … Continue reading

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photo of patrick heery

Interview of Managing Editor Patrick Heery

“Leading by Listening” Presbyterians Today Nov. 2012 “Rethinking Church Leadership” Fast Chat Last month, the magazine Presbyterians Today sat down with Patrick Heery, managing editor of Unbound, for an interview about young adults, Unbound, and new forms of leadership and … Continue reading

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photo of the launch of Unbound in Denver

Unbinding Unbound: Launch in Denver

The Long-Awaited Unbound Launches! On Thursday, October 20, 2011, the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP) launched Unbound: An Interactive Journal of Christian Social Justice (www.justiceunbound.org) in Denver, Colorado. Unbound is the successor of the much-loved Church & Society, the … Continue reading

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drawing of Jesus weeping

How Dark an Economic Night Does It Have To Be?

Introducing the first theme-issue of Unbound: One editor’s overview (Note: it will be our practice to have two editorials in many cases, to underline the difference in generational perspective between our Editor and our Managing Editor. Patrick Heery’s introductory editorial … Continue reading

Posted in Current Issue, Editor Chris Iosso Unbound, Journal | Tagged , | 1 Comment