Tag Archives: urban ministry

Brown v. Board, The Little Rock Nine, and Presbyterian Public Witness

A longer version of this article originally appeared in Doing Justice, Loving Kindness, and Walking Humbly: The Witness of Some Southern Presbyterian Pastors for the Cause of Racial Harmony in the 1950s and 1960s, compiled by James S. Currie. All … Continue reading

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The Vocation of Education

A Family Story Lora and Bruce Whearty, elementary school teachers from Montana, accepted a call to serve as educational mission co-workers through the Presbyterian Church (USA) in 1992. They resigned from their jobs, sold their home and most of their … Continue reading

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Interview with Jim Irby

Unbound: What was your role in the education system? Jim: I worked with a nonprofit organization that partners with schools to provide small-group and one-on-one tutoring, mentoring, and encouragement. Additionally, I provided after-school and summer programming for students and designed extracurricular … Continue reading

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Interview with Melissa Woods

Unbound: What was your role in the education system? Melissa: I am a former 7th and 8th grade Spanish teacher, GED tutor for ages 16-22, and MCAS (Massachusetts state test) tutor for ages 16-22. Unbound: At what type of school … Continue reading

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