Tag Archives: usury

More For Me is More For You

Even before I began to follow Jesus, I viewed radical material simplicity as a mark of holiness. For many years, when I thought about what my ideal life would be, I imagined an existence almost entirely detached from our world’s … Continue reading

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Does the Church Need to Build Alternative Economies?

“For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.” -Luke 12:34 “Unfortunately, that is the cost of doing business in our world.” -A clergy colleague’s response to the church divesting from Wall Street In all my years in … Continue reading

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heidelberg catechism

What Difference Does One Word Make?

Usury or “Excessive Interest” in Heidelberg Catechism Question 110 By Rev. Chris Iosso (Ph.D.), presenting advice and guidance from Ray Foss   As a member of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Ray Foss has written and edited several short arguments challenging … Continue reading

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