Tag Archives: violence against women

Contested Territories: Women and Healthcare Reform

I’ll admit it. I winced when I read the theme for this week’s posts, “Vulnerable Populations and Christian Responsibility.” Again, I thought, a discussion of women is framed as taking care of the vulnerable. In healthcare settings, not all women … Continue reading

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Resources for Human Trafficking Awareness Day

This Saturday, January 11, is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Human trafficking is modern-day slavery – the recruitment, harboring, transporting, providing or obtaining by any means any person for forced labor, slavery or servitude in any industry or site such as … Continue reading

Posted in Action Alerts, Action News, Carousel, Resources, Worship | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Can Inclusion Go Too Far?

As an editor, I’m used to going in search of articles, but this time the article found me! While brainstorming for this Advent issue, I came across the following Facebook conversation among several friends. This article documents the beginning of … Continue reading

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Come, Thou Almighty Queen: Performing Gender/Justice Through Hymns

Hymns are a powerful form of discourse. Along with other acts of worship, it is through hymns that our theological beliefs begin to be shaped. Indeed, it may be that hymns—out of all the forms of discourse in a traditional … Continue reading

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