Tag Archives: WCC

What Motherhood and Ecumenism Have in Common

This article is reprinted from Rebecca Todd Peters’ blog at Patheos, “To Do Justice.” For original, see: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/todojustice/2015/07/06/what-motherhood-and-ecumenism-have-in-common/ “There are practical obstacles to women during intervals of pregnancy, giving birth and nursing, of which the female employees usually take extensive … Continue reading

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Reconciled Diversity

An Ecumenical Vision for the 21st Century “In Christ God was reconciling the world…and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us.” –II Corinthians 5:19 You won’t be surprised that a professor of Ecumenical Studies has chosen to write on the … Continue reading

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Ecumenical Poetry, Prose, and Practice

The argument of this issue, in short, is this: All though we might think of ecumenical as something separate and formal, we actually live it all the time. Perhaps it’s time our thinking caught up to our usual practice. The … Continue reading

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The Mark of Identity: ‘Risking Peace’ in the Ecumenical Context

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matt. 5:9). Humanity, Scripture tells us, has been made in the image of God. Jesus was recognized as the son of God. Central to the notion of being … Continue reading

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