Tag Archives: YAV

From Bible Drill to Interdenominational Seminary

A Personal Faith Journey My favorite book as a child was called “I Like Sunday School.” It followed a little white girl who looked forward to learning about Jesus each week at church, just like me. I spent much of … Continue reading

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Teaching ELL for Mutual Learning

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10b; NIV) The gospel reveals to us a Christ who is radical not only in who he approaches, but also – perhaps even more importantly … Continue reading

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Interview with Amy Wadsworth

Unbound: What is your role in the education system? Amy: I am a history teacher for grades 9-12. This year I am teaching a senior seminar, Government, Economics, US history, and World history. I have taught middle school geography, ancient … Continue reading

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Interview with David Wigger

Unbound: What was your role in the education system? David: I taught at Horace Mann Elementary School in Washington, DC, for 2 years. I served first as a 2nd Grade assistant teacher, then as a 4th Grade long-term substitute (for … Continue reading

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