Tag Archives: YAV

Planting on Holy Ground

My Year as a YAV ‘Down Bayou’ Just over a year ago, I sat in a room full of eager Young Adult Volunteers (YAVs), taking in a very intense week of orientation to prepare us for a year of service. … Continue reading

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Just Roots?

Reflecting on Faith with the Millennial Generation Over a year ago, the editorial staff of Unbound, Presbyterians Today, and Horizons got together to think about how we could work together to lift up the lives, work, and ministry of young … Continue reading

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Faith Generation Samuel

Called to Live in Intentional Communities? Samuel was sleeping in the shrine away from home, being taught by the old priest Eli, when God called him. Samuel is the one who heard God’s voice calling him in the night. Not … Continue reading

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The YAV Program: Lives Set on New ‘Routes’

The motto of the Young Adult Volunteer Program (YAV for short) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) reads, “A year of service for a lifetime of change.” The YAV Program is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church that has engaged and … Continue reading

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