Tag Archives: YAV

‘There’s No Place Like Home’

I am a born-and-bred Midwestern boy. It is in my blood and is reflected in my decisions and actions. For better or worse, wherever I live or travel, I see things through Indiana-colored lenses. I have also always had strong … Continue reading

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Mutuality In Mission

Birth, Death, and Solidarity in the YAV Program Our Church’s approach to mission work has changed dramatically in recent decades – and continues to change! In the traditional understanding of mission, the missionary operates from a mission compound, from a … Continue reading

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Seek the Welfare of the City Where I Have Sent You

In 2010, I decided to embark on a major life transition. I left my comfortable, full-time job, gave up my car, and moved. Why, you might be wondering? What adventure could I have possibly signed up for? Where would I … Continue reading

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Settling In, Putting Down Roots

Moving to a new city is no easy feat. I’ve done it twice in my life thus far, and I wouldn’t wish the difficulty of moving and getting settled in a new city on anyone! Many people find themselves moving to … Continue reading

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