Tag Archives: young adults

In Praise of Summer Camp

In Praise of Summer Camp

The journey to faith in blue jeans and flip flops  Editor’s Note:  As youth, how do we enter a tradition that values the common good? What culture of inquiry, based in trust, leads to a sense of responsibility that goes … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas from Unbound!

And a Grateful Farewell to Managing Editor Ginna Bairby Yes, we wish you a Merry Christmas AND happy holidays in general, and we pray for a new year that fulfills wishes and dreams. If you are a reader who frequents … Continue reading

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The Message to the Margins: An Election Lamentation and Call to Action

This article was originally published on November 9, 2016 on Denise’s blog, ‘SOULa Scriptura” at The United States of America has elected Donald Trump its next president. It’s sinking in as I type that. We (the royal “we”) elected Donald … Continue reading

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Author Rev. Renee Roederer

The Persistence of Trauma and the Power of Belief

“I believe you.” We should never underestimate the power of these words. What’s more, God calls us, as people of faith, to speak these words in our relationships and our larger communities. Though voiced aloud, the words “I believe you” … Continue reading

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