Tag Archives: young adults

Snapshots of the ‘New Ecumenism’: Collegiate Ministry

“Can I ask you a question? Hugging during the passing of the peace… is that an all-Lutherans thing or just a Lutheran Campus Ministry thing?” Of all the ecumenical worship service’s elements that were different than our usual Sunday UKirk … Continue reading

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From Bible Drill to Interdenominational Seminary

A Personal Faith Journey My favorite book as a child was called “I Like Sunday School.” It followed a little white girl who looked forward to learning about Jesus each week at church, just like me. I spent much of … Continue reading

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For the Common Good of our ‘Whole Inhabited Earth’

Ecumenical Advocacy in our Nation’s Capitol When we at the Office of Public Witness step outside into the bustle of Capitol Hill, it is common to see packs of people with purple arm bands or orange neckties or yellow book … Continue reading

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Ecumenical Poetry, Prose, and Practice

The argument of this issue, in short, is this: All though we might think of ecumenical as something separate and formal, we actually live it all the time. Perhaps it’s time our thinking caught up to our usual practice. The … Continue reading

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