Tag Archives: young adults

Promoting Education for a Lifetime of Discipleship

Financial Aid for Service I usually introduce myself by saying that I have a great job because I give away money for a living. It is an oversimplification, but I think most people know that. They smile and nod because … Continue reading

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Paying Rent Through Service

Freedom Schools with the Children’s Defense Fund The Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) Freedom Schools program is a summer literacy program that mostly, but not exclusively, serves children of color in low-income communities. The program seeks to instill the love of … Continue reading

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Taking Back Our Education

The Rising Cost of College Tuition I recently overheard a father discussing college tuition and loans with his son. “When I was in college, I just took a summer job to pay my tuition,” the father earnestly argued. He was … Continue reading

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Her Voice Matters

Women’s Colleges and Female Empowerment The tragedy of my educational history is not that in some middle school classroom, the twin pressures of puberty and a plummeting self-esteem finally forced me into silence. The tragedy is that no one noticed. … Continue reading

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