Tag Archives: young adults

Strategies and Solutions

Seeds of Hope for the Future of Education The Prime Time Parade: Walking the Church/School Boundary, Rev. Dave Brown “Prime Time is a religion-free zone so that it affirms the separation of church and state and so that it embodies … Continue reading

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Degrees of Debt

Starting the Conversation at Home “Go to college”, they told me. “It’s the only way you can get a good, well-paying job.” I graduated college in 2007. The economic downturn started right before I graduated. I majored in English, not … Continue reading

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Struggles and Sacrifices

Broken Places in our Education Systems Public Schools and the Public Good: The Social Contract We Have ‘Left Behind’, Jan Resseger “In a democracy, we are responsible, through our elected representatives, for ensuring that our public institutions distribute opportunity to … Continue reading

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Teaching Girls in Pakistan

One Presbyterian’s Experience Participating in International Educational Mission Occasionally something happens in your life that you can only explain as a “God-moment.” For me, teaching in Pakistan was just such an experience. I met Veeda Javaid, the Executive Director of … Continue reading

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