Tag Archives: young adults

Destini Hodges

Spirit of the Living God: A Faith Journey Into Public Service

Being involved in the church and in the community brings a great deal of responsibility. As a 26-year-old active Presbyterian and elected City Councilwoman in Harrisburg, PA, I learn more about that responsibility each day. One might think being actively … Continue reading

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Don’t Let the Stones Cry Out In Your Place

There is no debate about climate change. We’re not talking about the fact that the scientific consensus is overwhelming (though that’s true). We’re talking about the fact that climate change wasn’t the subject of a single question during the presidential … Continue reading

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Author Emily Oshinskie

Reframing the Face of Activism: Protest as Prayer & Embracing the “Other”

Lessons form a Personal Paradigm Shift I have a confession to make. I used to cringe at the word “activist.” I looked at them, and all I saw were loudmouths who wanted attention. And you know what bothered me more … Continue reading

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Christ, Culture, and a Broken Democracy

We are in the midst of a strange election season, to say the least. I have heard more people say, “I’m just not voting,” or “I don’t have anyone to vote for,” in this election than in any other in … Continue reading

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