Tag Archives: young adults


The revolution is now. Drums beating People marching Youth leading Mike Brown means we gotta fight back Elders talk Young folks walk Occupy Defy Never give up the fight “Wade in the Water” demands to be heard Heavens open God … Continue reading

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Planting on Holy Ground

My Year as a YAV ‘Down Bayou’ Just over a year ago, I sat in a room full of eager Young Adult Volunteers (YAVs), taking in a very intense week of orientation to prepare us for a year of service. … Continue reading

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“We Can Go Back Home for the First Time!”

Climate Change in Scripture & WALL-E Looking for reasons that Christians should be concerned about climate change? Just open your Bible to where it all begins. The two creation stories that start the book of Genesis are different narratives, but … Continue reading

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Questions in a Climate of Conflict

Interviews with Facilitators and Participants in the Upcoming Climate of Conflict Trip to Peru Learn more about the Climate of Conflict trip to Peru here. Rev. Jed Koball Rev. Jed Koball is a PC(USA) mission co-worker who serves as the … Continue reading

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