Tag Archives: young adults

Between the Bang and the Whimper

Prophetic Hope in an Apocalyptic World “This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but with a whimper.” These famous lines from the … Continue reading

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GA221: The Aftermath

Reflections on Justice and Social Witness During and After the 221st General Assembly Let’s Focus on Nonviolence, Rev. Dr. Daniel J. Ott Let’s focus on nonviolence! I am encouraged by the news out of the 221st General Assembly of the … Continue reading

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We Are Family

A Sermon Reflecting on the 221st General Assembly Sermon preached Sunday, June 22, 2014 at Ogelthorpe Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, GA Sermon Text: Matthew 10:24-39 My friends, I bring you greetings from the 221st meeting of the General Assembly of … Continue reading

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The Road to Detroit

Issues of Social Justice Before the 221st General Assembly Introduction: When You Have a Dog in the Fight: Reflections on an Ethical Dilemma, Gene TeSelle Why in the World Are Presbyterians Taking a Stand on Drones When Nobody Cares and … Continue reading

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