Tag Archives: young adults

ncc eco justice group

What I Crave: To Know Where I Belong

A short reflection on marsh periwinkles, young adults, the church, and eco-justice By Shantha Ready Alonso   Last summer, I joined a group of 20- and 30-somethings and traveled to Port Isobel, Virginia, to explore eco-justice in the marshlands of … Continue reading

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patrick heery in ziplining gear

Environmental Hope: A Better Approach for a Tougher Climate

Introducing the Unbound Nov 2012–Jan 2013 issue “Hope for Eco-Activists: Discovering an Environmental Faith” while arguing for a different environmental strategy to engage people, particularly young people, in this age of consumerism, doubt, and the temptation to despair.   By … Continue reading

Posted in Current Issue, Former Editor Patrick Heery Unbound | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment
neddy astudillo

Eco-Justice is Creation Care

Shifting the Foundations of Eco-Theology to Include Stewardship, Justice, and Spirituality Este texto también está disponible en español.   By Rev. Neddy Astudillo   View and Print as PDF.   An uneasy feeling moves freely through the air these days, … Continue reading

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Interfaith delegation including young Jews and rabbis with Jewish Voice for Peace who advocated for boycott and divestment at the Presbyterian General Assembly.

Caught Between Promise and Prudence

Why the PC(USA) 220th General Assembly Voted Against Divestment By Robert Trawick   View and Print as PDF.   The General Assembly has come and gone, and amidst much sound and fury, we now face the task of reflecting on … Continue reading

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