Tag Archives: young adults

aimee moiso

Communion, Kenosis, and Change

Same-Sex Marriage at the 220th General Assembly By Rev. Aimee Moiso, 2012 Teaching Elder Commissioner and Moderator for Committee on Civil Union and Marriage Issues   View and Print as PDF.   In the two months since the 220th General … Continue reading

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emily morrell

Stay with Us

A Young Presbyterian’s Reflection on General Assembly By Emily Morrell, 2012 Young Adult Advisory Delegate (YAAD)   View and Print as PDF.   My presbytery is small, tiny, actually. In fact, after serving on my presbytery’s youth council for four … Continue reading

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Young Adults: Will We Stay?

Two Contrasting Narratives of What Happened at the General Assembly Reveal a Critical Generation Gap By Patrick David Heery, Unbound Managing Editor   View and Print as PDF.   Talk to enough social justice-minded Presbyterians and you’ll likely hear two … Continue reading

Posted in Action News, Current Issue, Former Editor Patrick Heery Unbound | Tagged , , , , , | 6 Comments