Tag Archives: young adults

Author Rev. Jacob Bolton

Making GA Accessible for All: Dependent Care

Much work has been done to make the General Assembly as inclusive a gathering as possible. Fair representation of both Ruling Elder and Teaching Elder Commissioners is ensured. We hear from Advisory Delegates, who represent a wider swath of voices, … Continue reading

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Author Rev. Renee Roederer

The Gospel is Intersectional: Considering the Foothills Presbytery Overtures

During his tenure as the Moderator of the 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Heath Rada has listened deeply and broadly to people across this denomination. Moderators of the PC(USA) often have this unique and sacred privilege of really listening as … Continue reading

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Welcoming Christ in the Stranger

Being the Church of Matthew 25 One year ago, I took in my first shocking breath of the Arizona heat. Punctuated by saguaro cacti and surrounded by foreboding mountains, the Sonoran Desert represents one of the most treacherous climates for … Continue reading

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Co-author Mara Sawdy

We Shall Not Be Moved: Advocacy in the New Age of Voter Suppression

An Excerpt from the Office of Public Witness’ New Study Guide on Voting Rights and Voter Suppression By Mara Sawdy and Nora Leccese – Read and/or download entire resource here! Introduction At the direction of the General Assembly, we at … Continue reading

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