Tag Archives: young adults

Author Rev. Sara Dorrien-Christians

Russia, Ukraine, and the West: A Question of Identity

I was in Russia when the first sanctions against her were announced about two years ago, and looking back today, it’s far from clear those sanctions have “worked” in the way they were intended. Russia is still involved in Ukraine’s … Continue reading

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Fossil Fuel Divestment: Strengthening Our Response to an Urgent Crisis

A Perspective from Fossil Free PC(USA) In the shadow of the Paris Accords, rising global temperatures, and changing climates, we are thankful for the many voices discussing climate change in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). We recognize that our denomination has … Continue reading

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Divesting from the Sins of Our Past

Climate change has quickly emerged as one of the world’s greatest threats. You only need to turn on the television or peruse a newspaper to see the devastating effects on environments and communities around the globe. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) … Continue reading

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Call to Confession: Week 4

Call to Confession: Race, White Privilege, and the Church Week 4 Zapatito Blanco: Acknowledging Old Rules and Agreeing to New Ones, Anonymous A couple of weeks ago, I was supervising a children’s program at the community center where I work … Continue reading

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