Tag Archives: young adults

Call to Confession: Week 1

Call to Confession: Race, White Privilege, and the Church Week 1 I Am Racist and so is the Church: An Opening Editorial, Rev. Ginna Bairby Yes, you read the title right. I am racist, and so is the majority-white denomination I … Continue reading

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Confession is the Start – Now Put Some Skin in the Game

Dismantling White Privilege in Institutions of Theological Education I have grown weary of liberal racism. I have grown especially weary of Christian liberal racism. White supremacy is insidious. It enables, sheds tears, and delays to deny. This sin is so … Continue reading

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Race Gives Me Poetry

Racism kills. It dehumanizes us all, telling some of us we are less than human and rendering others of us incapable of having a decent conversation about it. It takes our best intentions and misshapes them beyond recognition; no matter … Continue reading

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Why White Privilege Isn’t Going Away

A Theological Reflection Why can’t white folks in general – and white Christians in particular – be rid of the problems of white privilege and racism? Why can’t a board, a vestry, a session, or pastors and Christian Educators simply … Continue reading

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