Day Two Update from the Fast for Fair Food

By the Rev. Noelle Damico, Associate for Fair Food, Presbyterian Hunger Program

I was so tired that I was unable to write about Monday’s nighttime vigil—which was beautiful. Thankfully in this movement there are talented and creative people who’ve made a video! Watch part of the morning prayers and Monday’s evening vigil:

It’s the late morning of Day Two of the fast.
We are reflecting together on the experience of fasting and supporting the fasters—what we have seen, heard, felt. The wind is blowing across the lake in front of Publix Headquarters and suddenly its gusts buffet the tent canopies we’ve erected to provide essential shade for the fasters. Fasters and supporters leap to their feet in near unison. Everyone holds tight to a pole in the ground or on the canopy. Tall people stand on chairs to secure the top. Short people (like me) brace our weight against the tent poles. The reflection continues—words of hope carried upon the strong current that would blow down everything in its way. But together, as one community, we keep the tent erect and intact. It is a lived metaphor for the movement for Fair Food. This is a collective struggle—all of us, farmworkers, people of faith, students, sustainable food folks, all holding on tight together, supporting each other and making possible together, what would be impossible alone.

fast for fair food vigilEvening Vigil outside Publix in the Highlands
Well over one hundred people adorn the sidewalk; wind blowing, Rabbi Katz, Rabbi Kaplan, and Rabbi Schuldenfrei are singing Ki Va Moed (the time has come!) as we pass that flame of hope from one candle to another.

It is the eve of Purim, when Jews remember the story of Esther and how she saved her people. As I listen to the story I wonder, who within Publix could be having their Esther moment right now? What executive might be thinking “for such a time as this” God has placed me here at Publix? … To be continued…

Get your Fast for Fair Food toolkit here, includ­ing links to blogs from the CIW, NCC Rev. Michael Liv­ingston, and others.

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