Healing a Flawed Electoral System

Chris­t­ian Respon­si­bil­ity and Lessons from 2012

Healing A Flawed Electoral System from ACSWP on Vimeo.

Video Produced by: the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy

About: “Healing a Flawed Electoral System: Christian Responsibility and Lessons from 2012” is a 17+ minute video features the Rev. J. Herbert Nelson, Director of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Office of Public Witness in Washington, DC. Rev. Nelson grounds strong calls for campaign finance reform and restored voting rights in his conviction that God’s love seeks the empowerment of all citizens to strengthen the common good. He focuses on the values faith brings to the electoral process and the need to protect the human dimensions of voting against powers that suppress or limit the franchise. This is a spirituality of democracy that affirms the independence of both church and state, AND the responsibility of Christians for justice in the public sphere.

Continue the Conversation:
Check out the Unbound series of articles, “Seven Sins Against Democracy – and What’s Faith Got To Do With It“, featuring analysis from some prominent faith and civic leaders on issues such as voter suppression, campaign finance reform, a national popular vote, and civility.

Learn more about the Office of Public Witness.

Learn more about the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy.

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