Author: Tricia Lloyd-Sidle
Date: July 25, 2013

A Job Should Keep You Out of Poverty, Not Trap You In It!

The minimum wage in the US is $7.25 per hour. 

The Presbyterian Church has a long history of supporting the rights of workers to earn fair wages, good benefits, and safe working conditions.  Indeed, in recognizing the value and dignity of work, the 2008 Social Creed for the 21st Century, adopted by the PC(USA) and our ecumenical partners, says:

In faith, responding to our Creator, we celebrate the full humanity of each woman, man, and child, all created in the divine image as individuals of infinite worth, by working for…

  • Employment for all, at a family-sustaining living wage, with equal pay for comparable work.
  • The rights of workers to organize, and to share in workplace decisions and productivity growth.
  • Protection from dangerous working conditions, with time and benefits to enable full family life. 

Persons working full-time at a minimum wage job, earn $15,080 per year.

Send a message to your Members of Congress now!  Urge them to cosponsor the Fair Minimum Age Act.

Read the entire Action Alert on the Office of Public Witness blog.


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