Author: Melissa G. Davis
Date: April 4, 2013
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Join the National Day of Action on April 10th!

Join the National Day of Action on April 10, 2013 and urge congress to reform our nation’s immigration laws.

People of faith and good will are gathering in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday to rally and visit with members of congress.  Support their efforts by calling your representatives that day and urging them to support comprehensive immigration reform.

This day of action is timely as policy watchers anticipate that Senators from the Gang of 8 will introduce immigration legislation around this date.  This possibility has been heightened given the announcement that labor and business leaders have reached a deal on wages for a guest worker program.

When: Wednesday, April 10

What: Call your members of congress – even if you have previously contacted them on this issue.

Why: Immigration reform is coming!  It is up to you to ensure it is just.

The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has policy on what would make for a just reform.  Elements include:

  • Keep family unity as the foundation of our immigration system

  • Create a pathway to citizenship

  • Deal with backlogs in family and employment based immigration

  • Create a system for future flow of immigrants

  • Create an enforcement policy that respects due process and human dignity

  • To learn more, visit:


  1. Go to and to find out who represents you and their phone number

  2. Call both your Senators and your representative in the House

  3. Ask the person who answers the phone to share with Senator _____ your support for comprehensive immigration reform.  Then explain why you support reform and what makes for a good commonsense policy – you can use the list above.

  4. Thank the person for your time.

  5. Post it on FaceBook and ask your friends to stand up and be the voice for justice.

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