Author: Tricia Lloyd-Sidle
Date: March 28, 2012
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Living Solidarity: Federal Budget & Common Good Curriculum

Brought to you by JustFaith Ministries

cut-out people holding handsThe federal budget is a moral document.

That bears repeating: the federal budget is a moral document.

That is the position of a new curriculum designed for church adult education classes, Protestant and ecumenical groups, and anyone who cares about faith and economy: Living Solidarity: Government, the Federal Budget, and the Common Good.

Together we are at an important juncture and are facing a critical question, “What kind of society do we wish to become?” Underlying this important values question are lively debates and disagreements about the role of government, what functions we should share together, and how we pay for them. It is vital to bring our biblical values to these many conversations. It is vital even more so right now, as the Congress is currently debating the House-proposed 2013 budget. Moreover, 37 religious denominations and organizations have just unveiled their Priorities for a Faithful Budget.

Living Solidarity’s many activities and discussions help participants move beyond reflexive biases and myths, creating a space for thoughtful dialogue about the role of government and how to pay for it. This module is designed to deeply engage participants as citizens and actors, not as experts. It is designed to engage values—especially Gospel values—rather than opinions. Learn more about JustFaith Ministries.

The Bible teaches us that we are responsible for both ourselves and for the common good. Both as citizens and as people of faith, we are called to be informed about, and engaged with, issues of government and the common good.

Hear from Participants in JustFaith Curriculum


  • Session 1: Our Personal Experience with Government
  • Session 2: The Common Good and Government
  • Session 3: Who is Responsible?
  • Session 4: My Priorities, Our Budget … and Waste, Fraud and Abuse
  • Session 5: Federal Budget, Debt, and Responsibility
  • Session 6: Paying for Government and the Common Good
  • Session 7: A Current Tax and Budget Debate
  • Session 8: Summing Up and Possible Next Steps

Check out sample material from the curriculum and its first session.

Questions for Thought

  • Whose world is it anyway? Who’s REALLY in charge after all?
  • Where does it all come from – the resources for living? Who is it all for?
  • What are the “economic signs of the times”? Unemployment? Budget cuts? Foreclosure? Rising costs?
  • Has the economic crisis led you to rethink the role of government?
  • Who is hungry this day? Who is hungry for. . . food. . . dignity. . . friendship, hope, meaning, a share in the promise of abundant life…?

Registration is $150 per group. There is an additional cost of $25 per person for books. Discounted pricing is available, if needed. Register today!

JustFaith Ministries acknowledge differences in church size and wealth, and seek to address economic disparities. They want their programs to be available to any group, regardless of ability to pay. They also need registration fees to keep offering high-quality programs. If you can pay their full price, please do so. If you cannot, please register and pay what you can.

To find out more information, please contact David Horvath or Mary Wright at

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