Earth Care Lenten Devotional

Feasting on God’s Gifts; Fasting in Sorrow

Brought to you by Presbyterians for Earth Care: An Eco-Justice Network

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PEC Lenten Reflection 2012, Moderator’s Comments,
by Diane Waddell

We enter into Lent in gratitude for God’s graciousness. We are in awe of the beauty of this sacred space with which God has gifted us. At the same time, we come in grief; with deep sorrow for the losses which Creation has borne…loss of topsoil, clean water, habitats of species; loss of clean air and pristine wilderness, of opportunity for fuller health and healing; and much more.

With this Lenten Devotional, Presbyterians for Earth Care invites you to enter into Lent with us … seeking… reflecting …pondering… “Feasting and Fasting.” Each devotional will contain Scripture, Prayer, and a Reflection. There is a reading for each holy day and one for each week of Lent.

The reflections are based on “Feasting and Fasting.” A 2006 set of devotionals from (then) Presbyterians for Restoring Creation followed a similar theme. Members explained, “We are called both to attend to the sacredness of Creation and to respond to it by active participation in the protection of Creation”.

Deep peace and strength to us all as we enter into this sacred holy season. May we together seek and find the connections and blessings of feasting and fasting as we encounter Christ in and through Creation.

A Prayer from the Lenten Devotional, by John Pitney
Creator God, make us worthy of our food. Let us feast to the fullest on the faire of flock and field that most honors the integrity of soil, water, air, the sanctity of human labor, and the sufficiency of community. Let us fast of tables that exploit, deplete, isolate, and condemn. And may we welcome to the best seats, the most marginalized of humanity and the most endangered of plant and creaturekind. If by breakfast, lunch, and dinner, we can condemn, then by dinner, lunch, and breakfast may we be saved. Amen.


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PEC is a member-based, grassroots, non-profit organization operating primarily alongside the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) but also in ecumenical circles. PEC cares for God’s creation by connecting with God and others through biblical and theological reflection, study, and experiencing God in Creation; equipping members with news and effective tools and resources; and inspiring members through conferences on timely eco-justice issues and Creation-honoring worship.

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