Article Submission

Each submission should begin with a 100 to 200 word abstract of its content and a 2-3 sentence bio of the author.

Articles should generally range from 1000 to 1500 words. However, exceptions will be made as appropriate for a given piece.  Concision and craft take precedence over length.

Drafts should be submitted for consideration by email attachment using Microsoft Word.

All submissions should be accessible to an educated lay audience; offer original and reasonably well-expressed, focused content; and be fair, accurate, and just.

All submissions should use gender inclusive/expansive language: please note that this can mean the avoidance of gendered language altogether or the interchange of male and female language, except in cases where gender is the issue at hand. Depending on context, not all quotations from historic sources need to be edited for inclusiveness.

All submissions, including, but not limited to articles, must be the original, unpublished work of the author(s). They must not have been submitted for consideration by another academic or practical journal, unless the author has secured all permissions to republish the article in Unbound. The contributor must be the sole owner of all copyrights and intellectual property rights to the material submitted or have the written permission of the co-author or co-creator of the material.

All submissions should conform to copyright laws and not reproduce unoriginal material without explicit citation and, where necessary, permission to use the material. Contributors are responsible for obtaining (and paying for) copyright permission as necessary; documentation of copyright permission should be submitted with the manuscript.

Notes should be numbered sequentially in the text and listed at the end of the manuscript. Except in the most obvious instances (e.g. biblical references), abbreviations should be avoided. Titles of journals should be written out in full. For further information regarding format, consult the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition (or Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations [6th edn.; Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1996]). For information regarding format for citation of internet sources see A Brief Citation Guide for Internet Sources in History and the Humanities. For abbreviations of biblical books, see the comprehensive listing compiled by the Journal of Biblical Studies. Please do not improvise on format.

Authors should be willing to respond to questions from Internet readers of their articles.

Review of submissions will usually be accomplished in 6-10 weeks; contributors will be notified by email upon completion of the review. Since issues are thematic, some manuscripts may be held for publication in the appropriate thematic issue.

Please keep in mind that in-between journal issues, planning is relatively flexible, while the thematic journal issues are generally planned several months in advance and may require significant advance submission on your part. With that said, themes for advance issues will be announced with the provision that submissions related to other possibly urgent topics will be given consideration.

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