
Unbound Columns/Blogs

Editor Henry Koenig Stone
Even the Stones: A column of articles and other resources produced by Unbound Managing Editor Henry Koenig Stone. Candid and critical policy analysis, social critique, and coverage of GA223.

photo of Chris Iosso
Editor Chris Iosso Unbound
A blog from your coor­di­na­tor and edi­tor, Rev. Dr. Chris Iosso, Coor­di­na­tor of the Advi­sory Com­mit­tee on Social Wit­ness Pol­icy. Hard-hitting analysis from an experienced pastor and organizer.

Redeeming Realism
Led by Rev. Ray Roberts, this column covers international relations, foreing policy, and “theological reflection in support of faithful participation in God’s world.”

Mosaic of Peace, Spring 2018
A blog of the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program’s 2018 trip to Israel-Palestine, co-hosted by Unbound and curated by Unbound Managing Editor Henry Stone. Blog entries are also available on the Peacemaking Program’s blog page.

photo of patrick heery
Former Editor Patrick Heery Unbound
Bind­ing Wounds, Unbind­ing Chains: a blog from former man­ag­ing edi­tor, Rev. Patrick David Heery. With one leg online and the other on the ground, Patrick seeks to unite faith-based organizing with social media, mission with justice.

Compassion, Peace and Justice of the PCUSA
Compassion, Peace, and Justice Unbound
A blog ded­i­cated to news and jus­tice issues cur­rent in the Pres­by­ter­ian Church (U.S.A.) office of Com­pas­sion, Peace, and Jus­tice, includ­ing inter­views, arti­cles, and action alerts from min­istries such as the Fair Food Cam­paign, the Office of Pub­lic Wit­ness, and Envi­ron­men­tal Ministries.

seminary students at Princeton
Seminary Students Unbound
The voice of students today. At seminaries, divinity schools, and other theological institutions. They are unbound and speaking out!

faces of the ciw fast
Fast for Fair Food Unbound
Reflections and reports from the March 5-10, 2012, Fast for Fair Food, organized by the Coalition of Immokalee Workers in partnership with the National Council of Churches Poverty Initiative and the Presbyterian Hunger Program. What’s next?

Outside Websites

Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations
Swords Into Plowshares
The blog of the Peacemaking Program and the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations of the General Assembly Mission Council of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Seeking peace. Striving for justice. Together.

cynthia holder rich
A website and unconventional blog by Cynthia Holder Rich. Conversations on the current scene through a Gospel lens.

Chris Glaser
Progressive Christian Reflections by Chris Glaser
Blog by Chris Glaser: Author, Christian, Theologian, Minister, Inclusive.

politics and religion signs
There Is Power in the Blog
The blog for Political Theology, discussing the intersection between religion, politics, and culture. Featuring book introductions and reviews, a weekly lectionary series called the Politics of Scripture, and commentary on news of the day.

To Do Justice
A blog by Rev. Dr. Rebecca Todd Peters: Professor, Author, Feminist Social Ethicist, Ecumenical Collaborator and Organizer.