Poetry and Creative Writing Submission

We invite a diverse range of poetry and creative writing which lift up issues of social justice and faith. Please review our upcoming journal issue themes and our site content to see if Unbound might be a good home for your writing. While Unbound will consider many forms of creative writing, priority is given to poetry. Unbound welcomes poetry that is grounded in your personal experiences, hopes, and frustrations. Unbound’s primary considerations in its acceptance or rejection of creative writing submissions are: originality; relevance to the journal’s mission and/or issue themes; appropriateness for a faith-based journal with viewers of a wide variety of ages; and whether the text offers a critique of society, church, unjust social mores, and/or political policies.

Manuscripts should be submitted for consideration by email in accordance with the Process of Submission requirements. The poetry should be attached to the email in Microsoft Word format. You are welcome to submit a written explanation and/or multimedia to accompany your creative writing, such as a photograph or video. If considering submitting multimedia or art, please see the appropriate categories of submission for additional guidelines.

Poets/writers should be willing to respond to questions from Internet readers of their work.

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