Community Action Center

The Unbound Community Action center is an evolv­ing online cen­ter for equip­ping, net­work­ing, and orga­niz­ing local, regional, and global jus­tice efforts.

photo of women marching for medicare

, in its jour­nal­is­tic advo­cacy of jus­tice, pro­vides a net­work of cam­paigns for your engage­ment. We seek, first, to pro­vide you with a vari­ety of oppor­tu­ni­ties to get involved, and sec­ondly, to forge a matrix of tightly col­lab­o­rat­ing orga­ni­za­tions. Get involved today!

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Action Calendar
A calendar of upcoming events. Find out what is going on around the United States and in your local region: a great way to join upcoming events or to get ideas for your own events and actions. Contact us with your event and we will post it!

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Take Action
Action Alerts are actionable items that may change at any moment. We endeavor to share these with our readers and implore them to look deeper into these events and stories and, if so called, to take a stand with Unbound today.

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Organizing Strategies and Resources
Aren’t familiar with community organizing or looking for a refresher on its principles, tactics, and tools? Then check out this organizing resource, which also links to a variety of PICO resources, including a video and a “how to” in Spanish.

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Educational Materials and Resources
A collection of resources to inform and equip you in your ministry. Materials include Social Creed resources, the Presbyterian Social Witness Policy Compilation, a global digital ethics library, PC(USA) study papers and policy statements, a recommended reading list, and a practical resource center from the Presbyterian Health, Education, and Welfare Association (with resources for worship, advocacy, inclusivity, and supportive care).

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Meet Our Local Organizers
Unbound Local Organizers are volunteers working on the ground and in their local area/congregation/organization to:

  • promote Unbound and encourage participation,
  • seek out new contributors to the journal,
  • act as liaisons to their communities,
  • report to Unbound the justice needs and issues most pressing in their locations, and
  • carry out the community organizing mission of Unbound, translating the journal’s discussion and analysis into practical and strategic action for their communities, fueling a grassroots movement already underway as they collaborate with ongoing efforts and seek to mobilize the people for justice.

Local Organizers are the hands, ears, and eyes of the Unbound community. Through trust-based relationships in their respective communities, they discern what people on the ground care about. What are folks struggling with? What are their concerns? What are they anxious about? Angry? Joyous? By carrying these voices to Unbound, Local Organizers are key players in determining the trajectory and themes of the journal and online community. Then, using the resources, analysis, and strategic thinking of Unbound, Local Organizers go back to their communities and translate issues/concerns into action—all with the support of a national Unbound community, including its varied skills, knowledge, relationships, and creative ideas.

No Unbound Local Organizer in your community/congregation/organization? Become that Local Organizer today! Contact us and let’s begin making a difference in your community!