An HIV/AIDS Advocacy Sermon A Sermon by Emily Rose Proctor, originally preached on the 1st Sunday in Advent, World AIDS Day, December 2, 2012, at Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, MD. This sermon is part of a series … Continue reading
March 3-17, 2013: From Ft Myers to Lakeland, FL… 200 Miles Action Alert from the Rev. Noelle Damico, Associate for Fair Food, Presbyterian Hunger Program Dear Friends, This Lent, you are invited to join the Coalition of Immokalee Workers in … Continue reading
Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary student begins candid conversations about HIV/AIDS, sexuality, race, and faith community. This is the third article of a February 7–March 7, 2013, series of reflections from Johnson C. Smith’s first annual HIV competency training conference. … Continue reading
Mental health counselor takes lessons learned from “AIDS Competent Churches and Church Leaders” certification and starts the University of Dubuque’s first official HIV/AIDS education, testing, and counseling program. The following is the second article of a February 7–March 7, 2013, … Continue reading