With regard to foreign policy, the real dragon facing the United States is not China but the grandiosity of its own leaders, as seen in recent speeches by President Trump and National Security Advisor John Bolton. Despite the phrase “principled … Continue reading
Voting is not just “civic duty.” It is a moral choice. I still hear the phrase “civic duty” associated with the act of voting…but less and less often. People are tired of political action, and would rather abdicate any and … Continue reading
The Social Creed, at 10 years, links us to the Social Gospel and Labor Day. It is easy to focus on what divides groups of Christians from each other and from other movements of faith. But, in the Labor Day … Continue reading
A Labor Day Sermon for 2018. On Labor Day, those who celebrate may rightly commemorate a long struggle of worker vs employer. The struggle continues as a fight for truth—against the myths that would turn economic theory into an ideology. … Continue reading