Tag Archives: Confession of 1967
“And Still We Are Not Saved?”
A Season Yet to Come Summer is coming…and still we are not saved. Two scripture lessons frame what the Holy Spirit is saying to the church today: Psalm 104:27-34, 35b and John 20:19-23. First there’s Psalm 104, a psalm which … Continue reading
The Time Was Yesterday
White privilege means waking up in the morning with the ability to decide whether or not racism will be a part of your day. Just ask people of color who teach their black sons how to interact with police so … Continue reading
Why I Haven’t Felt at Home in a Presbyterian Church for Three Years
I did not grow up Presbyterian, and I can’t identify as a ‘cradle’ or ‘prenatal’ Presbyterian, or any of the ways that I have heard born-and-bred Presbyterians describe themselves in order to firmly establish their Presbyterian street cred. No, as my … Continue reading
Call to Confession: Week 1
Call to Confession: Race, White Privilege, and the Church Week 1 I Am Racist and so is the Church: An Opening Editorial, Rev. Ginna Bairby Yes, you read the title right. I am racist, and so is the majority-white denomination I … Continue reading