Tag Archives: economics
Make America Just. Period.
A Moral Platform for the Christian “Justice Voter.” Fall 2018 What does the Lord require of you, but to seek justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God? —Micah 6:8 The church is not, and must not be, a partisan … Continue reading
We Need More Economically Honest Policymakers.
A Labor Day Sermon for 2018. On Labor Day, those who celebrate may rightly commemorate a long struggle of worker vs employer. The struggle continues as a fight for truth—against the myths that would turn economic theory into an ideology. … Continue reading
Standing Up for the Iran Nuclear Agreement
For the past 40 years, the United States and Iran have had a hostile relationship interrupted by brief periods of cooperation. The 2015 nuclear deal was the high point of relations and the product of intense, acknowledged bilateral as well … Continue reading
Increasing Tax Fairness
Resisting the Creed of Greed (Part II) Click Here for Part I’s indictment of those pushing through the current tax plan. The short answer to the current Administration’s tax cut proposal is: “No.” The plan is just a way to … Continue reading