Tag Archives: young adults
The Unheard Racial Narrative
“Therefore, we reject any doctrine; which absolutizes either natural diversity or the sinful separation of people in such a way that this absolutization hinders or breaks the visible and active unity of the church, or even leads to the establishment … Continue reading
Is it Enough?
A Reflection on Education Policy in the PC(USA) and Response to Item 14-02: “Educate a Child, Transform the World” My students are the legacy of Brown v Board of Education. Let me introduce you to my students. They are eighth-graders … Continue reading
The General Assembly is Not God
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will soon make headlines, one way or another. The decisions we make at our 221st General Assembly will be reported across national media outlets through words loosely connected to what we actually experience together as a … Continue reading
Fossil Free PCUSA: Why We Are Called to Divest
As I write, the Presbyterian Church (USA) finds itself in a strange place, at an important juncture. Even as our denomination has affirmed our call to care for creation, we continue to profit significantly from fossil fuel companies. In November … Continue reading