We Are Still Here(Current Issue)
The Anti-Doctrine of Discovery (Fall 2019)
We Are Still Here: The Anti-Doctrine of Discovery is the current issue of Unbound (Fall 2019). In the intentional work of dismantling the systemic oppressions of our native siblings spurred by the Doctrine of Discovery and its ideologies, Unbound brings to you the voices, perspectives, concerns, and resilience of our Native American siblings who are still with us, telling their stories and being as the Creator created them to be. We invite you to absorb these stories for we are called to listen and to truly hear our siblings.
First Installment of Content
Reflections on the Doctrine of Discovery on World Communion Sunday by June L. Lorenzo
Reverberations of Conquest by Ron McKinney
Part 1: Integration of Native Voices in Education – An Interview with Elona Street-Stewart
Interview conducted by Lee Catoe, Managing Editor of Unbound
Part 1: Environmental Justice and Native Peoples – A Conversation with Doreen Nutaaq Simmonds
Interview conducted by Lee Catoe, Managing Editor of Unbound
2nd Installment of Content
Witness and Recovery on Long Island: An Interview with Mike Smith
Interview conducted by Chris Iosso and Lee Catoe
Part 2: Integration of Native Voices in Education – An Interview with Elona Street-Stewart
Interview conducted by Lee Catoe, Managing Editor of Unbound
Part 2: Environmental Justice and Native Peoples – A Conversation with Dorreen Nutaag Simmonds
Interview conducted by Lee Catoe, Managing Editor of Unbound
Manifestations of the Doctrine of Discovery Around the World
Syria and the Challenge to the Church: Dealing with Exceptionalism, Past and Present by Pauline Coffman and Donald Mead
Syria: The Burden of Memory by Cecilia Blewer
The Trilemma of Settler Colonialism by Noushin Framke
Archived Articles of Native Voices
All of my Relations by Madison McKinney
Law and Theology III by Vine Deloria Jr.
Doctrine of Discovery: Steve Newcomb discussing Standing Rock explains the intentionality of Christian imperialism and the ramifications of the Doctrine of Discovery.
Mission Coordination Committee information from the 223rd General Assembly concerning the relationship between Native American peoples and the church.
Presbyterian Mission Agency resources concerning the Doctrine of Discovery
Facing Racism resources concerning Native American experiences and the Doctrine of Discovery